Selami Torun
10 .SymposiumSelami Torun
1962 Erzurum’da doğdu.1983 İstanbul Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi seramik bölümününden yüksek lisans ile mezun olan sanatçı halen endüstriyel-sanatsal seramik üretimi yapan kendi firmasında çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir. Seramik, Resim ve Fotoğraf dallarında ödülleri bulunan sanatçı 11 kişisel resim, 3 kişisel seramik sergisi açmış, 5 karma seramik, 3 karma resim ve 3 karma fotoğraf sergisine eserleri ile katılmıştır.
He was born in Erzurum in 1962. The artist who graduated with a master's degree from the Ceramic Department of Fine Arts Academy of Istanbul University has still been carrying on his works on his own company which is based upon the production of industrial- artistic ceramic. The artist who has gained several prizes on ceramic, painting and photography has held 11 solo painting exhibitions, 3 solo ceramic exhibitions and attended 5 group ceramic exhibitions, 3 group painting exhibitions and 3 group photography exhibitions up untill now.