Renee Reichenbach
7 .SymposiumRenee Reichenbach
1956 Jena’da doğdu 1975-1980 Hochschule für Industrielle Formgestaltung Burg Giebichenstein“ Halle‘de Gertraud Möhwald tarafından eğitim aldı.
1982’den beri Halle’de kendi atölyesini açtı Almanya’da Sempozyum, Çek Cumhuriyeti ve Makedonya
1990, 1998 Land Sachsen Bursu- Anhalt 1997’den beri Geçici öğretim elemanı in Höhr- Grenzhausen, Landshut, Wettin 2000 Uluslararası Seramik Akademisi Üyesi Pontevedra, Spain 2003 Peter Siemssen Stiftung, Ratzbek Bursu 2006’dan beri “Gruppe 83” üyesi 2008 Artist in Residence, Seto International Ceramic &Glass Art Exchange 2009 le printemps des potiers, Bandol, Fransa 2010 Art of the town of Halle Ödülü 2011/12 Okutmanlık, High School of Art and Design, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle
BIOGRAPHIE RENÉE REICHENBACH 1956 born in Jena 1975-1980 Studies at the „Hochschule für Industrielle Formgestaltung Burg Giebichenstein“, Halle taught by Gertraud Möhwald Since 1982 own studio in Halle Symposia in Germany, Tschech. Republic and Macedonia 1990, 1998 scholarship of the Land Sachsen- Anhalt Since 1997 temporary teaching position in Höhr- Grenzhausen, Landshut, Wettin 1999 Member of the International Academy of Ceramics 2000 Workshop in Pontevedra, Spain 2003 Sholarship of the Peter Siemssen Stiftung, Ratzbek Since 2006 Member of the “Gruppe 83” 2008 Artist in Residence, Seto International Ceramic &Glass Art Exchange 2009 le printemps des potiers, Bandol, France 2010 Award of art of the town of Halle 2011/12 Lectureship at High Scool of Art and Design, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle
Private Exhibitions (choice) 1995 Frechen, Kleine Galerie im Keramion 1997 Höhr-Grenzhausen, Westerwaldmuseum 1998 Deventer(NL), Galerie Loes&Reinier 1999 München, Galerie b15 2004 Mönchengladbach, Galerie Barthels 2006 Berlin, Galerie Theis 2008 Seto (JP), Seto City Art Museum 2009 Tulln (A) Galerie flora cum arte
Participations (choice) 1994 Taipei(Taiwan), International Exhibition of Ceramics 1996 Frechen, Keramion, „Bewegung“, Europäische Keramik 2000 Heidelberg, Galerie Marianne Heller, „Frauen in Europa“ Tokyo(JP) The National Museum of Modern Art, „Deutsche Keramik 1900-2000 Geschichte und Positionen des Jahrhunderts. 2002/03 Museo Nacional de Ceramica, Valencia„2culturas, un dialogo / 2Kulturen, ein Dialog“ Taipei(Taiwan), Taipei County Yingko Ceramics Museum, “The art of teapots” 2006 Chicago(USA), SOFA 2010 European Ceramic Context 2010, Bornholm (DK)
Works of art in different museums and collections in European countries, USA and Japain