Alexis & Tanner Gregg
7 .SymposiumAlexis & Tanner Gregg
ALEXIS BROOKE GREGG EĞİTİM - EDUCATION 2007−2010 California State University, Long Beach Long Beach, CA MFA Ceramics, May 2010 Travel/Research Scholarship to Spain, France, and Amsterdam Artist Materials Grant from Pacific Clay Co. Marilyn Werby scholarship recipient Travel/Research scholarship to Guatemala City to work with Peter King 2003−2007 University of Georgia Athens, GA BFA Ceramics, May 2007 UGA CURO Award for excellence in undergraduate research Scholarship recipient to Study Abroad in Shigaraki, Japan Scholarship recipient to Penland School of Arts and Crafts Study abroad Cortona, Italy DENEYİM- EXPERIENCE 2012 RED LODGE CLAY CENTER Red Lodge, MT Long Term Resident Artist September 2012- August 2013 Guest Artist Lecturer, Valley City State University, North Dakota State University, Bismarck State College, MSU Bozeman, MSU Billings AnT SCULPTURE AND DESIGN Tupelo, MS Collaborative LLC with Tanner Coleman creating public art and architectural ceramics NEW TAIPEI CITY YINGGE CERAMICS MUSEUM Taipei, Taiwan Artist in Residence, November 2011-March 2012 2011 SODA RESIDENCY (Sculptural Objects and Design Australia) Fremantle, Western Australia Artist in Residence, August-October CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY Bangkok, Thailand Artist in Residence and Visiting Ceramics Professor 2010 THE UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO Moscow, ID Artist in Residence and Visiting Ceramics Professor CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH WORK INTENSIVE Long Beach, CA Visiting artist and lecturer CLAYARCH GIMHAE MUSEUM Gimhae, South Korea Artist in Residence, March-May Guest Lecturer, Sookmyung University Seoul, South Korea 2009 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH Long Beach, CA Beginning wheel throwing instructor GWEN HEENEY WORKSHOP San Pedro, Costa Rica 10-day large-scale brick sculpture workshop at University of Costa Rica PETER KING CERAMICS STUDIO Pensacola, FL & San Diego, CA Studio Assistant during three architectural ceramics workshops 2008-2010 THE FOUNTAINS AT DANA POINT Dana Point, CA Ceramics Instructor for retired and assisted living seniors 2008-2009 THE LIVING LOVE FOUNDATION Long Beach, CA Art Instructor for children living at Salvation Army and Catholic Charities shelters
ESERLERİ - PUBLIC ART/PERMANENT INSTALLATIONS 2012 PLAYABLE ART PARK AT ABERNATHY GREENWAY Sandy Springs, GA 54- Foot carved brick dragonfly with seven slides, climbing rope wings, and two dalle de verre windows NEW TAIPEI CITY YINGGE CERAMICS MUSEUM Taipei, Taiwan Three permanent playable brick and ceramic sculptures for the museum ceramics park 2011 BEEHIVE MONTESSORI SCHOOL Fremantle, Western Australia Permanent playable brick crocodile sculpture for new playground at Beehive Montessori School DOWNTOWN TUPELO WATER MONUMENT Tupelo, MS Public art brick sculpture commemorating the first water well source in the new Haire Wealth Management Green Space 2010 CLAYARCH GIMHAE MUSEUM Gimhae, South Korea Created two large scale brickworks with functional benches and bridge for museum campus HAWAIIAN AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Wilmington, CA Installed a brick oxcart sculpture on playground with functional bench and planter 2009 BIXBIY KNOLLS PUBLIC ART Bixby Knolls, CA Installed over 30 ceramic sculptures for Bixby Knolls area of Long Beach including free standing, exterior wall pieces, and installations. 2007-2008 SCHOOL ON WHEELS Los Angeles, Compton, & Ventura, CA Created wall murals for three School on Wheels learning centers. THE LOVE LINK AND CANTON De LAS DELICIAS San Salvador, El Salvador Created wall murals for infant hospital interior and led collaborative community circle painting mural
SERGİLER - SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2013 “Red Lodge Clay” Kolva-Sullivan Gallery Spokane, WA “RLCC Residents” Exit Gallery Bozeman, MT “Between the Benches” Northwest College Powell, WY “5 x 5” Rocky Mountain College Billings, MT 2012 *“Taiwan Is” New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum Taipei, Taiwan “Playable Art Park” Abernathy Arts Center Sandy Springs, GA 2011 “Haire Wealth Management Green Space Opening” Tupelo, MS “Dawn of Humanities” Chulalongkorn University Museum Bangkok, Thailand *“Featured Artist” Bank Left Gallery Palouse, WA 2010 “Art and Architecture Faculty Exhibition” Prichard Gallery Moscow, ID *“In Defense” Prichard Gallery Moscow, ID “BRICK” Clayarch Gimhae Museum Gimhae, South Korea “Artist-in-Residence” Clayarch Gimhae Museum Gimhae, South Korea 2009 *“Annie’s House, MFA Thesis Exhibition” Long Beach, CA *“Porcelimbs II” Phantom Galleries, LA Long Beach, CA *“Porcelimbs” Viento y Agua Gallery Long Beach, CA “Jazz at the Expo” Expo Building Bixby Knolls, CA *“Clones vs. Stones” Marilyn Werby Gallery Long Beach, CA 2008 *“MESH” Max Gatov Gallery Long Beach, CA *“Casa de Candy” Ceramics Gallery Long Beach, CA “Feed” Max Gatov Gallery Long Beach, CA “CACA exhibition” Davis, CA Denotes Solo Exhibition
EĞİTİM - EDUCATION 2003−2006 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Athens, GA BFA Sculpture, December 2006 Studied abroad in Cuba 2003 TRIDENT TECHNICAL COLLEGE Charleston, SC 2000-2003 MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY Starkville, MS DENEYİM - EXPERIENCE 2013 RED LODGE CLAY CENTER Red Lodge, MT Resident Artist September 2012- August 2013 Guest Artist Lecturer, Valley City State University, North Dakota State University, Bismarck State College, MSU Bozeman, MSU Billings 2012 AnT SCULPTURE AND DESIGN Tupelo, MS Collaborative LLC with Alexis Gregg creating playable public art and architectural ceramics NEW TAIPEI CITY CERAMICS MUSEUM Taipei, Taiwan Artist in Resident November 2011-January 2012 2011 SODA RESIDENCY (Sculptural Objects and Design Australia) Fremantle, Australia Artist in Residence August-October 2011 2010-2011 CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY Bangkok, Thailand Artist in Residence December 2010-March 2011 2010 GROWING MINDS ART CAMP Santa Ana, CA Art Instructor for children LONG BEACH CERAMIC WORK INTENSIVE Long Beach, CA Visiting Artist CLAYARCH GIMHAE MUSUEM Gimhae, South Korea International artist residency, March-May 2009 GWEN HEENEY WORKSHOP San Pedro, Costa Rica 10-day large-scale brick sculpture workshop at Univ. of Costa Rica PETER KING CERAMICS STUDIO Pensacola, FL & San Diego, CA Studio Assistant during two architectural ceramics workshops THE FOUNTAINS AT DANA POINT RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Dana Point, CA Ceramics Instructor for retired and assisted living seniors THE LIVING LOVE FOUNDATION Long Beach, CA Art Instructor for children living at Salvation Army and Catholic Charities shelters 2007--‐2009 GUMTREE MUSEUM OF ART Tupelo, MS Director’s assistant, Show, installation, accession work, built/modified art storage
ESERLERİ - PUBLIC ART /COMISSIONS 2012 PLAYABLE ART PARK AT ABERNATHY GREENWAY Sandy Springs, GA 50 Foot carved brick dragonfly with seven slides and climbing rope wings, and two dalle de verre windows NEW TAIPEI CITY YINGGE CERAMICS MUSEUM Taipei, Taiwan Three permanent playable brick and ceramic sculptures for the museum ceramics park 2011 BEEHIVE CROCODILE Perth, Western Australia Created 30ft playable brick sculpture for Beehive Montessori in North Fremantle WATER MONUMENT Tupelo, MS Public brick sculpture for downtown Tupelo 2010 CLAYARCH GIMAHE MUSEUM Gimhae, South Korea Created a three part permanent large scale brick installation for the museum 2009 HAWAIIAN AVENUE ELEMENTARY Wilmington, CA Created a permanent brick Ox and Cart for the playground COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Tupelo, MS Proposed 20ft public art sculpture which reached final stages, currently on hold 2006-2009 ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL Athens, GA Created “Hear of Gold” trophy for the Annual Benefactors Award 2008 CANTON De LAS DELICIAS San Juan Opico, El Salvador Lead collaborative community circle painting mural with 30 children and 10 volunteers EL NAHUAL Quezaltenango, Guatemala Lead collaborative mural with 6th grade class and other art projects
ÖDÜLLERİ/ YAYINLARI - AWARDS/PUBLICATIONS 2012 “Dragonfly” Artists say farewell” Sandy Springs Conservancy Sandy Springs, GA “Dragonfly lands on Abernathy Greenway” Sandy Springs Conservancy Sandy Springs, GA “One Giant Dragonfly” Tupelo Daily Journal Tupelo, MS “Artists Begin Installation” Reporter Newspapers Sandy Springs, GA “Taiwan IS” Taipei Times Taipei, Taiwan “Taiwan Culture Drew International Focus” Taiwan Trade Taipei, Taiwan 2011 “Students snap up crocodile project” The West Australian Perth, Australia Artist materials grant from BGC Brikmakers Perth, Australia “Side By Side, Brick by Brick” Tupelo Daily Journal Tupelo, MS “Fired by Collaboration: Artists and industry partner to improve public spaces” The Dispatch Columbus, MS 2010 “Artist interview and Music performance” 13 Siam TV Bangkok, Thailand 2009 Artist materials grant from Pacific Clay Company Lake Elsinore, CA